Dharb Alraml is a Saudi historic series aired in Ramadan 2020 on National Saudi TV (SBC). I took over the project to create 6 frames for the opener in New Black Egypt. The frames are a digital collage created from vintage imagery from the archives, along with some stock photography. I created those visuals to convey the spirit of the historic event of Nzooh (migration) from the old cities in Saudi Arabia to Riyadh, the capital. The series involves several generations of some families that lived in the kingdom at those times. Going through the economic, political and social challenges that faced them, in an authentic progressive piece of TV drama.
My biggest challenge in the creation process was to composite scenes from different images and different eras to tell one story. The architecture, people, clothes and living conditions were all involved in that portrayal. I pulled off several experiments that didn't work, till I reached the final art direction and the frames that told the most compelling stories. The frames were later animated and embedded into the 4 minutes opener.
The project was implemented between Cairo and Riyadh.
Final Frames

Early Experimentations and Rejected Frames